only to see your competitors
ranking higher than you?
Whether you hired an SEO firm and are tired of hearing the same excuses, can’t make sense of the
jargon, or—more importantly—get a little nauseous thinking about all the money you’ve invested in SEO
nothing to show for it, here’s the thing: It doesn’t have to be that way.
And SEO for lawyers doesn’t have to be complicated. You don’t have to be tech savvy, and you definitely don’t need
have a computer science degree to understand it.
Trust me: I don’t even code.
Jason Hennessey
My work’s been featured in The New York Times, Entrepreneur, The Wall Street Journal, Inc., Forbes, and Fast Company, and over the years, we’ve helped some of the largest law firms in the country exponentially grow their traffic, get more leads, and sign more cases year after year—all by leveraging the power of SEO.

To put it simply: We’re the behind-the-scenes digital marketing team that’s helped nationally
recognized firms like Ben Crump, Jacoby & Meyers, and the Cochran Firm, among many others,
dominate their respective markets. (Semrush—the industry standard digital marketing
tool—even has one of our legal case studies featured on their website, which—hey—was pretty
Plus, in addition to helping clients, I love teaching other SEO practitioners and firms
about the latest strategies and techniques and do this in my column at Search Engine
Journal. But all of this—as nice as it is—really just happened because, for the past 20
years, I’ve immersed myself in one thing and one thing alone:
How to reverse engineer Google’s algorithm.
Which, in a nutshell, means how to get your site (from solo practitioners to 100-person law firms) actually visible to those seeking legal help (at the exact moment they’re searching for it) over and over again—and to do it for the long haul.
The truth is,
when someone types a keyword into the search box, there are really only two possible outcomes:
I know you’ve seen your competition on the first page of a Google search, and (most likely) had no idea
how they landed there. And I know seeing them in those top spots eats you up inside—that it should be
you who’s ranked there—even though you probably have no idea how to get it done.
Plus, I know you’ve spent way too much money on SEO firms that didn’t follow through and consultants who
promised the world (and didn’t get results), and now you’re left feeling confused and have no clue what
to do next.
I’ve heard all of the horror stories before, and I’ve seen the disappointments happen over and over and
over again.
But that’s why I wrote this book.
Whether you want to do your digital marketing in house or hire an agency (I’ll teach you how to
both), Law Firm SEO is the definitive playbook that’s been
years in the making, and it’ll teach you—in dead-simple English—how to win the top spots on
organically, how to figure out what’s holding your site back, and how to get more digital market
share that’ll translate to more targeted traffic to your website, more leads, and—the best
signed cases.
Because when it works, trust me, SEO is fun. Once you win that top-ranking search result for a
particular keyword or phrase, every searcher (aka your potential clients) will see your listing
day long, all night long (Lionel Ritchie, anyone?), week after week, month after month.
And when the phone starts to ring and the number of cases you start to sign actually increases,
you’ll get a rush—it feels that good.
So whether you’re more selective about the cases you accept or you’re a high-volume firm, Law Firm SEO is designed to be an easy and effective
point for how to get your website positioned for the people who actually need you, step by step,
the way from ground zero.
Even if you think
it's complicated.
Because the reality is, you don’t have to waste thousands of dollars on SEO consultants who aren’t
effective. You don’t have to start from square one every time you engage a new SEO agency. And for the
cost of a Marshmallow Pet—which I just recently bought for my daughter (see picture for proof)—you can
get it right the first time, and you can get it right for life.
I wrote this book because I’m in the SEO business, I care about the industry, and I want to educate and
empower the people it serves. It matters to me that people actually do understand the fundamentals and
have an accurate grasp of what works and what doesn’t.
I was tired of seeing lawyers getting taken advantage of, over and over again, and not getting the results they were promised.
So I wanted to fix that. Law Firm SEO is the step-by-step guide on how to get there, how to hire the
right people, and how to rank on Google for those very competitive (i.e., expensive) keywords by
applying fundamentals that won’t go out of style when Google releases a new algorithm update.
Because the difference between good SEO and bad SEO can be the difference between thousands of
dollars for your firm and millions of dollars for your firm, and I’ve seen both happen with my very
own eyes.
But getting there doesn’t have to be complicated. It doesn’t have to be confusing. And it doesn’t
have to be painful.
If you know what you’re doing, you can wake up one morning, and see your firm ranking at the top of
Take my word for it: It’s a feeling unlike any other.
by Michael Mogill
The irony was not lost on me when Jason asked me to write the foreword for this book. It’s no secret
that I’m not very well-loved by many of the SEO agencies in the legal industry.
An unfortunate reality of SEO is its low barrier to entry. Anyone can take an online course over the
weekend and then advertise themselves as an “expert” in SEO.
As a result, the legal industry is notoriously flooded with numerous fly-by-night SEO agencies and
self-proclaimed SEO “gurus” who promise to get your law firm ranking on the first page of Google for
meaningful keywords and then, unsurprisingly, fail to deliver.
For these reasons, among others, it’s not uncommon for many attorneys to harbor at least some resentment
toward SEO because they’ve been taken for a ride one too many times.
As the CEO of the nation’s leading law firm growth company, I’ve been outspoken in challenging SEO
charlatans and have gone so far as to say that 99 percent of the SEO being done by these agencies isn’t
worth the investment as it fails to move the needle in a meaningful way for most law firms.
Having helped over one thousand law firms drive nearly a billion dollars in revenue, I understand what
it takes for law firms to stand out from the competition, attract the best cases, and become the obvious
choice in their market. So believe me when I tell you this: Jason Hennessey is the real deal—the 1
percent of SEO professionals who can make a transformational impact in your law firm’s case volume and
revenue. Few people have as thorough an understanding of and passion toward SEO as Jason. The man is
literally obsessed with SEO and has dedicated his life to it.
I’ve always trusted professionals who practice what they preach in their own organization, and Jason has
not only helped many of the nation’s fast-growing law firms generate millions in revenue through SEO but
he’s also built many multi-million dollar businesses of his own leveraging the exact same strategies he
outlines in this book.
If it’s important for you to outrank your competition, drive more traffic to your website, get more
leads, and, most importantly, sign more cases, SEO can help you achieve these goals.
Whether you’re competing against hundreds or thousands of law firms in your market, simply dabbling with
SEO won’t get you results. The front page of Google only has so many spots, and if you aren’t occupying
at least one of them, your firm is at a competitive disadvantage.
With this book, Jason helps level the playing field for any law firm, regardless of size, market, or
practice area. In its pages, you’ll find an in-depth playbook on the most effective ways to drive real
results for your law firm through SEO.
If you’re ready to make a serious commitment to doing SEO the right way and learning from the best, the
lessons you learn in this book will help you take your practice to the next level.
Michael Mogill
Crisp Video, Founder and CEO
Best-Selling Author of The Game Changing Attorney