One thing that seems to work its way into every single aspect of our daily lives is negativity. That constant nagging thought: is the glass half full or half empty? What does negativity have to do with business and growth for an entrepreneur you may ask? Well, everything.
It’s important to be intentional about your thoughts and have the determination and the positivity to rise up in the face of challenges. We have the power to reject the negative for the positive. At the end of the day, negativity takes a lot more effort to project so why subconsciously create these problems and transfer them through to another?
Positive energy is a type of energy that pushes you to do better and be better. An energy that can translate not only in life, but in many types of workplace settings such as meetings or team bonding events. Energy is everything in the workplace. According to research, a negative work environment can decrease work performance by up to 30 percent. To remove this stigma you must start with yourself. As an employee, entrepreneur, or CEO, it is crucial to emit the positive energy that can transfer onto a coworker or colleague regardless of your job title.
Think about your passions, your desires and what you truly want out of this life. Do these passions ever stem from a place of negativity? Are you constantly telling yourself and others that things will never work out in your favor in work or life? Remove yourself from this narrative, break the cycle. Nothing is holding you back – but yourself.
Why break the negative thinking cycle? Holding negative thoughts inhibit growth, in life and in business, and may set you up for failure. Negativity prevents you from finding collaboration and creativity. Negativity creates that dead end instead of just viewing it as a speed bump and an opportunity to change that mindset, and likely changing the outcome. As human beings, we grow from positive interaction and achievement. That is, taking the negative and turning it into a positive and making lemonade out of lemons, so to speak.
At the end of the day, you have the power to choose your thoughts and improve your outcomes in life. So the choice is yours, half full or half empty?